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Eastern University

June 30 July 4

Eastern University

Camp Type


$394 per participant

Eastern University

Eastern University is a Christian university located in St. Davids, Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia. Eastern has hosted FUGE Camps since 1999. MFuge is offered to serve the greater Philly area.


All FUGE Camps programming is held in the McInnis Auditorium. The cafeteria is located in Walton Hall and offers multiple entrée options and desserts each meal, including a salad bar with locally grown produce. Hang time activities include an outdoor pool, tennis courts, coffee shop, sand volleyball tournaments, soccer field and more. Please be aware that your group is personally responsible for damages to any facilities including but not limited to the dorm room your group occupies. You will also be asked by the facility to pay for any lost keys. *Information listed above is subject to change without notice.


Childrens, Games and Rec, PCY (Painting, Construction, and Yardwork), Social. *Track times offered are subject to change and depend on the size of camp for the session attending.

Contact Info


1300 Eagle Road
St. Davids, Pennsylvania 19087 USA

Before May 1st Contact:

Camps Customer Service at 1(877)CAMP-123

After May 1st Contact:

Eastern University FUGE Camp Cell Phone: 615.429.4568
Eastern University FUGE Camp Email Address: [email protected]

Camper Mail address

Attn: FUGE Camps
1300 Eagle Road
St. Davids, Pennsylvania 19087 USA

Camp Pastor

Mark Turner

Mark loves Jesus and has devoted his life to serving the church and fulfilling the Great Commission. He graduated from the College of William and Mary (B.A.) and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. and Ph.D.). Mark loves FUGE Camps! He attended as a camper, brought groups as a Youth Pastor, and served as a staffer in college. He has been preaching at FUGE Camps since 2012. For nearly a decade, he served as a family pastor in Virginia and now is a pastor at Redemption Heights Church, which he planted in West Philly. Mark has been happily married to Whitney since 2007, and they have four children: Jackson, Abby, Joshua and a son through foster care. Mark enjoys comedy, music, books, and sports, but his true passion lies in proclaiming the life-changing truths of God’s Word. Mark combines knowledge and experience with a deeply held commitment to lovingly serve others. You can connect with him via social media (@renrutkram) or email ([email protected]).

Worship Leader