Chandler Snyder
Chandler Snyder has been a follower of Jesus for 30 years. He grew up in Lexington, Kentucky and was called to ministry on his first mission trip at 15 years old. At 18 years old, he experienced the call to international missions at a summer camp much like FUGE Camps! He and his wife, Kelli, were married in 2007 and they began their service with the International Mission Board in 2012. Over the course of the next ten years, Chandler, Kelli, and their three children, Waverly, Elodie, and Atticus, served across the sub-continent of Africa as church planters in the bush of Madagascar and cities of Cape Town, South Africa and Nairobi, Kenya. In April of this year, they felt God calling them to a new ministry. Now, Chandler works as AVP of Student Services at Texas Baptist College and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Colin Steward
More info coming soon!