How to Complete Your Participant List
Participant lists have been created for each individual church using google sheets. Your form will be shared with you by the Assistant Director at your location on or around April 15. You will receive an email with a link to your church’s participant list.
Centrifuge churches must complete all information on the student participant list tab. MFuge will complete all information on the adult participant list tab and student participant list tab. At any time before camp but at least two weeks prior to going to camp, you will need to finalize your lists and change the status to ‘Yes, I’m Done!’ After this point, if you need to make changes, you will use the change request tab.
Centrifuge Track Times
Students will sign up for Centrifuge track times during registration upon arrival at camp. Track options will be presented to students and they will be given time to pick their track time preferences.
Click HERE for a list of all Centrifuge track times. Tracks offered vary by location and by session of camp.
Check out your location’s Camp Details page at for this list. To get to this page, on the landing page, click on ‘Find a Camp,” type in your location name in the search field, and then click on ‘Camp Details.’
How to Prepare Your Housing List
You are responsible for assigning rooms to all of your participants. If your location needs that information, you will be contacted by your Assistant Director. As you complete your participant list and finalize the number of female campers, female adults, male campers, and male adults, please update your registration with these numbers by doing it online or calling 1-877-CAMP-123.
MFUGE Ministry Track Selection
Students will choose their MFuge ministry tracks BEFORE coming to camp. Click HERE for a list and description of all MFuge track times. Tracks offered vary by location and by session of camp.
Hold a meeting with all students and adults going to camp.
Before Meeting
1) Download
Track Selection Cards
2) Print
– Track Selection Card (Student, Adult, Driver)
3) Ministry Tracks
Look at the Ministry Tracks for your specific location on Write these down so that students can pick their tracks.
During Meeting
– Fill out card for Name, Grade Completed and T-shirt size
– Pick three Ministry Tracks. (These are not 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices, but three options in which they would like to participate).
– Fill out name and occupation
– Select skills they feel comfortable using at camp
– List any other important info
– Fill out name and occupation
– Select skills they feel comfortable using at camp
– List vehicle information, total capacity, including driver, and if you will have a trailer at camp.
Note! Lifeway Policy only allows 11 people to ride in 15 passenger vans, including the driver.
After Meeting
You will receive your church specific participant list on or around April 15. These are google sheets.
1) Participant List
– Enter Student information on tab 1.
– Enter Adult, and Driver information on tab 2.
2) Special Considerations
– List special considerations for Students, Adults, and Drivers in Column H.
– This includes recent injuries, anyone in a wheelchair, severe allergies, learning disabilities, students who need to be separated, etc.
3) Mark as Final
Once you have the participant list complete, change the status to Yes, I’m Done.