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Southeastern University

July 10, 2023 July 14, 2023

Southeastern University

Camp Type


$384 per participant

Camp Pastor

Duke Dismukes

Duke Dismukes is the Middle School Pastor at First Baptist Church Melbourne in Melbourne, FL. He has a passion to convey the timeless principles and truths of the Word of God in an upfront, expository manner that students and adults are able to relate to, understand, and live out. Duke, his wife Ashley, and their three children live in West Melbourne, FL. Duke graduated from the University of Mobile with a Bachelor of Science degree in Christian Studies. Duke has served in many different roles of Student and Camp Ministry for over 20 years. He has served as a Camp Pastor for FUGE Camps since 2010. For more info, you can check out his website at www.urgingtruth.com.

Worship Leader

Zeal House

We are ZEAL HOUSE MUSIC, a group of humans based out of Central Florida who have collided with the the story of Jesus’ grace & His kindness. We love collaborating together to celebrate and boast about what He did, what He’s doing, and what He said He’s gonna do. We believe worship is a response, a reaction, a heart posture, a discipline, an opportunity to bring something to the Creator and bless His heart. Any opportunity  to get in a space with others who have fresh stories of what God is doing and make some joyful noises to Him is something we absolutely love to be a part of. Zeal house music loves writing songs, hosting monthly gatherings, and serving the church.